ROSE – Regional Observatory for Energy and GHG Emissions [FR]

The ROSE – Regional Observatory for Energy and Greenhouse Gases emissions was created by decision of 12 founder members in 2008.

The ROSE is involved in the elaboration of the regional plan for climate and is providing data to local authorities in the Paris region dealing with their territorial energy and climate plan.

The observatory is monitoring:

  • Final energy consumption, energy production (mainly from renewable sources) and energy distribution (district heating mainly)
  • Energetic and non-energetic GHG emissions, including CH4 emissions from the agriculture sector.

It doesn’t monitor air quality. It does not monitor local impacts of climate change. Indirect emissions due to the consumption of goods produced outside the territory are not monitored. The main input data used are: statistical data, average energy consumption rates, GHG emissions rates and real data from regional and local levels. The “final consumer approach” is used: the emissions taken into account are not the GHG emitted on the territory but the emissions due to energy consumption on the territory. The figures are mainly data computed from determinants (number of inhabitants, road traffic…) and average energy consumption rates but more and more real data of energy consumptions are being used to get more accurate figures…

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The observatory is monitoring:

  • Final energy consumption, energy production (mainly from renewable sources) and energy distribution (district heating mainly)
  • Energetic and non-energetic GHG emissions, including CH4 emissions from the agriculture sector.
  • It doesn’t monitor air quality. It does not monitor local impacts of climate change. Indirect emissions due to the consumption of goods produced outside the territory
    are not monitored.
  • The main input data used are: statistical data, average energy consumption rates, GHG emissions rates and real data from regional and local levels.

Main results

The objectives are:

  • To gather and produce information at the regional and infra regional levels on the different constituents of energy production and consumption
    and GHG emissions.
  • To ensure consistence of the information between regional and national levels.
  • To ensure a follow-up of knowledge through the use of tools and indicators to assess the impact of policies & measures.
  • To carry out specific studies on local energy resources, needs and consumption and their determiners.
  • To be a platform for exchanges of information related to energy and GHG and to facilitate the dissemination of information.
  • To publish data on a friendly way : maps, graphics, pictures and videos