The latest figures on energy consumption, renewable energy production and greenhouse gas emissions in Île-de-France are published on the ROSE Dashboard, offering a detailed and dynamic view of the situation and its evolution since 2005.
Complementary to ÉNERGIF, which offers ROSE territorialised data, this dashboard makes it possible to enrich the valorisation of the data produced, for a different appropriation of energy-GHG issues at all scales, by highlighting the key indicators of the balance sheet: trends, ratios, etc.
The tool, which will be updated annually, presents a detailed view of developments since 2005. Major trends should be noted:
-15% of consumption;
-23% of greenhouse gas emissions;
8.9% of consumption covered by local renewables.
To present the latest data, trends, the dashboard, the tools and the work of ROSE, the network will organise a webinar on 17 November. ROSE is the the Ile-de-France energy & greenhouse gas observatory, multi-partner network for the production and dissemination of reference data, and the monitoring of public policies.
The dashboard can be accessed here.
Complete territorial data is available on the ROSE ÉNERGIF tool and on request from AREC.
The dashboard is the fruit of the collaborative work carried out by all its partners – Région Île-de-France, DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports), ADEME, Métropole du Grand Paris, L’Institut Paris Region, AREC ÎDF, Airparif, Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de région Paris Ile-de-France, EDF, Enedis, GRDF, GRTgaz, Île-de-France Mobilités, RTE Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, Sigeif, SIPPEREC.