The ENERGee WATCH project has enabled the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency (AURA-EE) to share with many European organanisations their expertise in data visualisation. One such tool that they have developed over the years is TerriSTORY®, an online data visualisation and territorial planning tool.
The online tool became a national reference tool in France and it’s looking into supporting further territories with cartographic data visualisation and analysis.
With an interactive and intuitive interface, the users need to follow only a few steps to determine their transition pathway and generate their action plan.
To learn more about TerriSTORY® you can watch the 2-minutes video, partly-financed by the ENERGee WATCH project:
Current methodologies used to observe GHG emissions are based on international standards (GIEC and Corinair) and national methodologies, rather than on European-wide methodologies. There is a need for further standardisation between observatories in order to allow comparisons between European territories and methodologies. The creation of a European network will therefore give the regions the opportunity to achieve this standardisation, to share experiences and to improve together.
ENERGee WATCH aims at sharing experiences between regional / local public authorities in the field of energy and GHG inventory, and between GHG monitoring organisations on: