Inventory of GHG of the Basque Autonomous Community [ES]

Ihobe is the Public Environmental Management Corporation created by the Sub-Ministry for the Environment of the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) Government. One of the objectives of Ihobe is to analyse and monitor how the behaviour of Basque society evolves with respect to GHG emissions.

The inventory is produced following two parallel approaches: one does not consider electricity exchange, while the other one tries to take into account imported electricity (BAC is a net importer of electricity). This way the user can choose either way of counting, depending on its needs. This double approach is also applied to the Basque socio-economic sectors: one consists in allocating the actual emissions to each sector while the other one consists in allocating to them the emissions arising from the electricity they consume. The inventory is based on different data sources: the Basque energy balance, reports from companies in emissions trading, E-PRTR, surveys, waste inventory, agricultural and livestock statistics, satellite pictures and ortho-photographies (for the LULUCF sector), among others.Energy statistics are also used (including energy consumption by energy type) together with statistical information to compile a comprehensive and detailed GHG inventory for all Kyoto Protocol gases (i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6). The IPCC-1990 methodology is used with some of the IPCC-2006 improvements. The observatory tries to keep the regional level inventory compatible with the national inventory…More info on the file attached.


The inventory is produced following two parallel approaches: one does not consider electricity exchange, while the other one tries to take into account imported electricity (BAC is a net importer of electricity). This way the user can choose either way of counting, depending on its needs. This double approach is also applied to the Basque socio-economic sectors: one consists in allocating the actual emissions to each sector while the

Main results

The first inventory of emissions of the BAC was conducted in 2002 with data from 1990 to 2001. Since, an annual publication is made available on the BAC Government statistics website.
The main strength of the observatory lies in the integration of various data sources managed in parallel in several departments. This, together with the detailed energy balance, allows the BAC Government to draw up an inventory of great quality and traceability.
