Hauts-de-France Climate Observatory [FR]

The Hauts-de-France Climate Observatory is supported by the CERDD (Resource Center for Sustainable Development), a Public Interest Group (GIP) led by the State, the Hauts-de-France Region and several local authorities, associations and private partners.

The shared ambitions are to guide, encourage, implement and explore any approach aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting our territories to future changes.

Visit the website.

Main Objectives

The Observatory has for objective to:

  • Collect data and provide necessary figures for decision-making, in particular at sub-regional levels;
  • Help monitor public policies, without evaluating them;
  • Constitute a space for exchange and animation for the network of observation actors around energy and climate.


One of the specificities of the Hauts-de-France Climate Observatory is that it provides extensive coverage of the issue of climate change, on a regional as well as a territorial scale.

Starting of course with greenhouse gas emissions, it aims to tackle climate change in the region, its effects on biodiversity, forests, health, etc. In addition, it monitors responses provided to reduce our impact on the climate or to adapt to its inevitable changes.

