In strong collaboration with regional and local stakeholders and research institutions, the following tasks were defined for a regional GHG observatory for the two northernmost counties in Sweden (Norrbotten and Västerbotten):
This resulted in the so-called “Energy Loupe”, which is an online energy observatory for the counties Norrbotten and Västerbotten with their 29 municipalities, providing local and regional authorities as well as energy experts with reliable local and regional energy data. It covers final energy use and direct CO² emissions for all relevant sectors and is available for free on the website of the regional energy agency Energikontor Norr (former Nenet).
Reliable energy data are indispensable for developing realistic but ambitious local and regional energy and climate strategies as well as action plans. To be able to monitor progress and to evaluate policies and measures, even a continuously follow-up of data is necessary. Especially for small and medium-sized municipalities, this is not an easy thing to do due to the lack of time, money and educated staff. A regional energy observatory is therefore an important tool to support municipalities.
The system provides guidance by providing default settings for parameter and indicator, but users can even choose their own set of data. As output Energiluppen delivers:
Visit the website.