Eionet core data flows 2018

Eionet data flow monitoring and progress reporting began in 1999 with an initial geographical coverage of the original 18 EEA member countries and a thematic scope of nine priority data flows. Since then, the list of data flows has expanded to 13 and the number of countries has grown to 39.

This briefing presents the results of data collected in 2018 for 11 Eionet core data flows. It summarizes the evaluation of hundreds of data deliveries received from reporting countries. The purpose of the briefing is to show progress against agreed reporting criteria (timeliness and data quality) in order to allow countries to identify and prioritise the resources they need for regular reporting procedures. The provision of high-quality data by Eionet is fundamental for the EEA to achieve its mission to provide timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy-making agents and the public.

Read the briefing onlineĀ here.

Eionet core data flows 2018

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