ENERGee Watch is the European network of regional GHG emissions and energy data Observatories. This initiative derives from the INTERREG IVC project CLIMACT Regions which identified in 2012 more than 20 regional GHG and energy observatories, some of which decided to join forces in this platform to better share experiences and methodologies in monitoring.Monitoring regional and local energy and GHG emissions data is the first and foremost, crucial, step towards identifying priority areas of intervention and thus defining regional and local energy and climate strategies (including SEAPs – Sustainable Energy Action Plans) which are relevant to the context. To this effect, ENERGee Watch completed this year regional energy and GHG emissions data gathering exercise which it presents in its first brochure (Dec. 2013) on the right. This exercise has precisely revealed the deficiency in energy and GHG emissions data at the regional and local levels, which needs to be addressed.
►If you wish to have your regional energy and GHG emissions data feature in our next year’s brochure (Dec. 2014), and join our network free of charge, contact us at info@energee-watch.eu