Rhone-Alpes GHG & Energy Observatory publishes Key Figures for 2010-11 (May 2013)

Created in 2002, OREGES is the Greenhouse gas and energy observatory of the Rhône-Alpes Region.Its steering committee is co-chaired by the State and the Region, and is financed by the regional Council of Rhône-Alpes and the ADEME (French environment and energy management agency). The work is conducted by two technical organizations: Rhônalpénergie-Environnement (since 2002) and Air Rhône-Alpes (since 2009).

OREGES has now published its Key Figures for 2010-11 (May 2013):

Regional key figures
Final energy consumption in 2010
Greenhouse gas emissions in 2010
Production of energy in 2011

Analysis of final energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by sector

Production of renewable energy in 2011
Production of electricity from renewable energy
Production of heat from renewable energy

Carbon sinks (data for 2006)

Rhone-Alpes GHG & Energy Observatory publishes Key Figures for 2010-11 (May 2013)

Publication year


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